Countdown to Ross Nolan Miller

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, November 29, 2010

Getting Closer

Why can't pregnancy come with a side of patience? I ask myself this every single day as I become more and more irritable at work. I know that my present state is not the kids' fault, but I mean... sometimes I wonder who coined quote "there is no such thing as a stupid question." Whoever said this needs to spend one day in my shoes. Just saying. I feel for my students as "D-Day" (delivery-day) approaches. Ok. I feel better. Moving on.

We recently had our last ultrasound of Mr. Ross. I usually despise the 4D ultrasounds, because they look like some form of an alien. My baby, of course, is perfect :) Here are a few random facts that we learned about our baby. Number one- He is completely bald. Just like his daddy. Number two- He is going to look like a mini-Josh. Number three- He does not like to be bothered. I had to move all over that table to get him to move his hands and feet from his face. The tech was also swatting my belly the whole time. She about saw my chocolate covered donut a second time. Number four- Ross is a chunky monkey. He is estimated to weigh 4 lbs 10 oz. He is supposed to weigh somewhere around 3 lbs. They said his new due date could be January 12th as opposed to the 28th. Fine. By. Me. They said I will probably have to have another ultrasound to monitor his weight.

I am beginning to become anxious about my new life-role. Being a mom is intimidating. I am excited and scared all at the same time. I am trying really hard to savor every second I have with just Josh and I. What sweet times. I know things will change once Ross comes and I know it will be for the best, BUT I am taking it one day at a time. Here are a few pics of my little man...